Resting, Reflecting, and Goal Setting

The holidays are upon us—you’ve thrown your classroom parties; your students are well on their way to a sugar overload; and you’re counting down the days and hours until the sacred winter break begins.

You need this time to quiet your mind, set aside the long to-do lists, and start the new year with energized intentions and renewed goals. Selfcare is a proactive and intentional effort to take care of yourself, so you can be present and available to support the students and colleagues surrounding you.

Coming back from winter break brings state-language assessment season into full swing. As you reflect on your work and your students in the new year, setting intentional goals for both, explore 5 Activities To Prepare Students for Your State Language Assessment to integrate targeted activities to support students ahead of their language assessment.

We here at Flashlight Learning wish you a wonderful and rejuvenating holiday season with a happy New Year!

Picture of Mandi Morris

Mandi Morris

Mandi Morris is a veteran English Language Development educator and advocate for creating learning environments where multilingual learners feel valued and empowered by their individual language journey. Before becoming the Director of Curriculum & Instruction at Flashlight Learning, her experience encompassed teaching and coaching in Oregon, Bahrain, South Korea, Washington DC, and her home state of Florida.


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